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Explained: What Is The Fuss Around Blackstrap Rum?

Helan Singh

February 02, 2024

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The Making of Blackstrap

Blackstrap molasses is a byproduct of sugarcane juice boiled three times, reaching a stage where sugar is nearly absent. This dark, sticky syrup imparts a profound bitterness, elevating the rum's flavour profile.

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Usage in Rum Making

Distillers use blackstrap molasses as a base for crafting rum, infusing it with caramel colouring to mimic an aged appearance. The bitterness and vegetal taste make it a versatile additive, balancing sweetness or sourness in cocktails.

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Not an Official Category

While embraced for its flavour, blackstrap rum lacks official categorization, leading to varied definitions among experts. Some link it to the final molasses stage, while others add colours and a touch of molasses to label it as a blackstrap variant.

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Distinctive Taste Profile

Authentic blackstrap rum distinguishes itself through a distinctly bitter and almost vegetal taste, setting it apart from mere dark rums. The complex notes are derived from the final stage molasses, not just artificial colouring.

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Transparent Transformations

Surprisingly, the resulting spirit may have a transparent colouring when blackstrap is used in distillation. Distilleries often employ blackstrap molasses to produce clear, white liquors with exceptional flavour components.

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Sugarless Bitter Notes

Appreciating blackstrap rum revolves around savouring the sugarless, bitter notes of molasses rather than fixating on the dark appearance.