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Here’s How Customise A Classic Margarita To Your Own Taste

Nadia George

March 27, 2024

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Margarita is a much loved spring and summer drink, made from quality tequila, triple sec and lime juice. Customising your margarita means you can revel in fresh, fruity, vibrant flavours that are sure to put a bright smile on your face.

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Make Fruit Sorbets

Sorbets add creaminess and a rich consistency to your frozen margaritas, or a cocktail made using crushed ice or blended ice beads. These lend the margarita an enhanced textural element while keeping the drink chilled. You can make fruit sorbets out of frozen water.

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Add A Dash Of Heat

One of the trendiest ways to make margaritas today is to add a touch of spicy kick to the drink. This means introducing components like sriracha, jalapeños or chilli powder into the cocktail to turn it into a sweet and spicy number.

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Use Cucumber

Cucumber is an excellent coolant and adding it crushed to a cocktail recipe means ensuring that all its flavours permeate evenly throughout the mixture. For this, you can opt for cucumber-infused tequila or go for a cucumber slice garnish.

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Make It Herby

Strawberries paired with basil, mint and thyme go really well in cocktails. You can make your margarita fruity but also herby with the inclusion of these aromatics that add to the drink a very intense but invigorating flavour.

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Use Mezcal

Tequila is a close cousin of mezcal, the latter being a smokier version made using a variety of agave plants instead of just the blue agave used to make the former. Substitute the tequila for mezcal if you want your drink to be way more intense.

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Make It Fruity

You can craft margaritas using lots of fresh fruits like pomegranates, oranges, grapefruits, guavas, pineapples, berries and so many more to add an exciting sweet, tangy and citrus element to the cocktail.