Drink Responsibly

Here's How The Russians Have Their Vodka

Helan Singh

January 31, 2024

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1. Traditional Russian Vodka Consumption

In Russia, vodka is more than a drink; it's a serious affair with established social rules. Typically served as a shot, the act is accompanied by the ritual of sniffing bread, turning vodka consumption into a shared and social activity.

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2. Group Activity and Shared Snacks

Drinking vodka in Russia is a communal experience, not a solitary one. Guests are expected to help themselves to zakuski shared snacks rather than waiting for the host or server. The emphasis is on camaraderie and shared enjoyment.

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3. Chilled and Consumed in Shots

Russians prefer their vodka cold and don't engage in sipping or savouring. Instead, it's about the effect of the liquor, and the serving glass is intentionally tiny. The chilled vodka is palatable, making it easier to down in a shot.

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4. Accompanied by Something Salty or Bread

A crucial part of the ritual is to follow the vodka shot with something salty or a piece of rye bread. This practice is seen as a way of conveying that the purpose isn't mere inebriation but an appreciation of vodka's cultural and social aspects.

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5. The Tradition of Sniffing Bread

Sniffing bread after a shot signifies a deeper connection to the cultural tradition. Originating from times of scarcity, it involved passing around the limited food supply for guests to smell. Today, it serves as a nod to historical practices.

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6. Toasting and Saying Something

A notable aspect of Russian vodka culture is the requirement to toast and say something when drinking. It adds a layer of interaction and expression during the communal drinking experience.

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7. Cocktail Tribute to Russian Culture

As a nod to Russian vodka culture, a cocktail named "With Love From Russia" combines vodka, elderflower cordial, lime, and ginger beer, which pays homage to the country's favourite spirit.