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How To Use One Of The Most Unusual Ingredients In Cocktails - Peas

Kadambari B

July 22, 2024

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It’s 2024. We drink our veggies now. Not kidding. Vegetable-infused cocktails have become a hot trend in the world of mixology. Veggie-inspired drinks have taken the spotlight now! And one of the hottest trends is using green peas in drinks.

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How Green Pea Became Talk Of The Cocktail Town

Green Pea became the talk of the cocktail town because of its shock value, ease of use, splendid appearance, and quality to maintaining the brilliant green hue

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How To Use Peas Optimally

You can cook peas in syrup and use it to make a cocktail. Blanching helps you get a brighter green colour.

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Green Pea Cocktail Ingredients

For the cocktail, you will need 45 ml Fennel and Pea-infused vodka, 2 tablespoons Fresh Green peas (muddled), 20 ml Lemon juice, 15 ml Jasmine orange oleo, 5 ml apertif wine and fresh green peas for garnish.

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How to make the Jasmine Orange oleo

Add two orange peels in a bowl with some brewed jasmine tea and cover them with about 480 gms of sugar. Let it rest overnight until the mixture's consistency is like a slurry. Strain the mixture to get the syrup and discard the peels. Store it in a bottle and chill it for a month.

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How to make the fennel and pea-infused vodka

Take a glass jar, and combine 80 gms fennel and about 240 gms peas, and infuse for a day or two in a litre of vodka. Use a fine mesh strainer to remove solids and discard them.

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Finally, putting together the cocktail

Refrigerate a couple of glasses. it so it can get chilled. Add ice, vodka, muddled peas, lemon juice, oleo and apertif wine. Shake well until the contents get cold and strain into the chilled coupe glass. Garnish with fresh green peas.