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How To Use Sriracha In Cocktails

Shireen Jamooji

March 30, 2024

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Do you love cocktails? Do you love everything spicy? Then we have the perfect combination for you – sriracha cocktails. Here are 5 ways to add sriracha to your cocktails.

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Spicy Rim Job:

Enhance the rim of your glass by mixing Sriracha with salt or sugar. Dip the rim in this fiery concoction for a spicy kick that perfectly complements the drink's flavours.

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Sriracha Simple Syrup:

Infuse your cocktails with heat by creating a Sriracha simple syrup. Combine equal parts water and sugar, then add a dash of Sriracha. Stir until dissolved, creating a spicy syrup for a hot twist in your beverages.

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Sizzling Bloody Mary:

Upgrade your Bloody Mary by adding a few dashes of Sriracha to the mix. The heat from Sriracha intensifies the savory elements, creating a bold and spicy rendition of this classic cocktail.

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Fiery Margarita Fusion:

Spice up your Margarita by adding Sriracha into the traditional recipe. Add sriracha to the tequila, triple sec, and lime juice combination, creating a bold fusion of hot flavours.

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Sriracha Garnish Magic:

Elevate the visual appeal of your cocktails by using Sriracha as a garnish. Create intricate patterns or drizzles on the surface of your drink, adding heat with each sip and making a bold statement.