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Keeping It Real And Cute: 10 Ways To Woo Your Crush Rom-Com Style

Nadia George

February 23, 2024

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Let's dive into the art of wooing your crush, romcom style, but instead of grand gestures that seem to be straight out of a movie script, we're going to keep it real and cute.

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The Unexpected Coffee Drop

Begin your quest on a caffeinated note. Surprise your crush with their favourite coffee order at work or school. It’s a small gesture that says, ‘I've been paying attention,’ without coming on too strong. Plus, everyone loves the person who brings them coffee, right?

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Playlist Perfection

Craft the ultimate playlist. Whether it hits the sweet notes of their favourite tunes or introduces them to the tracks that get you through the day, it’s a personal touch that can set the tone for a budding romance. Share it with a casual message and let the music do the talking.

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DIY Movie Night

Now, for a touch of magic: Host a DIY movie night with a signature cocktail tailored to the theme of the film. If you’re watching a classic spy thriller, shake up a Smirnoff vodka martini. It’s a fun way to elevate your movie night and show off your mixology skills.

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A Personalised Meme

Nothing breaks the ice like shared laughter. Create or share a meme that resonates with an inside joke or a moment you’ve shared. It’s light, it’s playful, and it says you’re fun to be around.

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Starlit Stroll

Invite them on a walk under the stars, perhaps with a little detour to a scenic viewpoint. It’s simple, it’s romantic, and it offers plenty of opportunities for those deep, getting-to-know-you conversations. Plus, it’s the perfect setup for a romcom-worthy moment.