Drink Responsibly

Reduce Your Holiday Drinking Footprint With 6 Handy Tips For Zero-Waste Cheers

Helan Singh

February 03, 2024

Drink Responsibly

Choose Sustainable Packaging

Opt for liquors in recyclable glass bottles or from distillers engaged in conservation efforts. Seek products with biodegradable packaging or those supporting renewable energy, reducing carbon emissions in the production process.

Drink Responsibly

Avoid Single-Use Plastic

Say no to plastic glasses, straws, and stirrers. Embrace the charm of assorted glasses or themed alternatives like wooden tumblers or coconut shells, adding a rustic touch to your celebration.

Drink Responsibly

Neat Spirits

Consider enjoying spirits neat, as distilleries craft premium options running on renewable energy or producing carbon-neutral variants, reducing the overall carbon footprint.

Drink Responsibly

Drink Local and Regional

Support local economies by choosing craft beers or draught options from nearby breweries. Explore regional spirits that celebrate local botanicals and grains, like Godawan Artisanal Single Malt Whisky from the dunes of Rajasthan.

Drink Responsibly

Choose Sustainable Mixers

Extend sustainability to mixers by selecting bottles that are produced thoughtfully. Craft homemade fruit juices or infusions using oranges, lemons, strawberries, and coconuts instead of canned alternatives.

Drink Responsibly

Mindful Drinking

Pour only what you intend to consume, embracing mindful drinking to minimise excess and reduce waste. This simple hack ensures a more conscious approach to enjoying your favourite beverages.