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Six Ways To Include Edible Flowers In Springtime Cocktails

Nadia George

February 21, 2024

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Edible flowers are a wonderful ingredient to add to cocktails during springtime and there are tons of ways in which they can be incorporated into your mixology game.

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Choose Colourful Garnishes

When you are looking for edible flowers as garnishes, go for those floral elements that would make your cocktails pop. One such garnish could be nasturtium blooms which have a very bright red hue that introduces a seductive quality into the drink.

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Use Floral Liqueurs

Floral liqueurs or certain cordials with floral elements like rose or lavender are highly underrated. However, emerging mixology trends are fast moving towards including a lot more fruity and floral ingredients into modern mixes.

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Pairing Spirits And Florals

When you are crafting cocktails with edible flowers, you have to be very clever with your liquors. For instance, when you incorporate roses into cocktails, use them with intense drinks like bourbon.

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Check For Toxin Free Flowers

A lot of times, we tend to pick out flowers as garnishes that would look pretty in a glass. But not all of these flowers are edible. Avoid using flowers that grow on tomato or potato plants because they are not for consumption and can end up giving you a stomach bug!

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Pick Fresh Flowers

One of the best ways to enjoy spring cocktails is to incorporate fresh ingredients and homemade mixes made from fresh produce into the drink. This also goes for floral elements and other garnishes that would adorn your cocktails in this season.