An Old Fashioned is one of the most traditional cocktails there is. In fact, it is the first recipe to appear alongside the word "cocktail" in print, dating back to 1806. It is quite literally the drink that started it all. Nearly a century later, the term "Old Fashioned" began to be used to refer to this classic drink in bars all around the United States and later around the world. It is sweeter than most other whisky-based beverages, despite the fact that it has historically been regarded as a strong-jawed spirit-forward alternative. It's a simple cocktail to perfect with just a few basic ingredients.
Place the sugar cube in an old-fashioned glass.
Wet it down with bitters and a short splash of club soda.
Crush the sugar with a wooden muddler, then rotate the glass so that the sugar grains and bitters give it a lining.
Add a large ice cube and pour in the Talisker 10 Single Malt Whisky.
Garnish with an orange twist and serve with a stirring rod if you’re so inclined.